Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I need this in Captain dummy-talk, please

So...site feeds. Who uses them? Who's blog is set up to be read by them (and what is that called)?



What one should I use?



Anonymous said...

Do you use Firefox? I subscribed to all my site feeds by clicking the orange thingy in the URL bar up top. I told it to make Bloglines the default (it asked). Alternately, most blogs have a link somewhere in the sidebar or footer. When given a choice between feeds, I chose Atom. For NO REASON.

Now I just go to Bloglines and it tells me who's updated. Some blogs publish whole entries, some just partial. I usually click over to the actual blog either way. The only people I read who don't have RSS feeds (that I could find, anyway) are P@ and Stephanie.

Laurie said...

Thanks! I just set up a blogline. Very neat.

Meghan said...

I use feedburner.

But, with Google Reader (which is what I use) blogs don't need a feed.