Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stolen from Allison

Urban Dictionary Meme:
a) Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
b) Post your favorite definition it gives you -- or just post the first one. (or multiple answers if it's just too funny.)
c) Tag 4 people. Leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged. (I am not going to do the tagging, 'cause I just feel weird about that.)
d) Those people, if so inspired, should do the same.

1) Your name?
2) Your age?
3) Your favorite drink?
4) Favorite color?
5) Birthplace?
6) Month of your birth?
7) Where you live now?

1) Your name?
Laurie: an incredibly beautiful young woman who can be found mostly in Du Page County, Illinois. She is bright, hardworking, and has a very sexy voice.

2) Your age?
40: A bottle containing 40 fluid ounces of malt liquor beer.

3) Your favorite drink?
Kahlua: An oft drunk healer in DAOC midgard lancelot

4) Favorite color?
red: One of the many different flavors of Kool-Aid. Others include yellow, orange, purple, and occasionally green.

5) Birthplace?
Saugus: When a woman has a saggy ass (?!?)

6) Month of your birth?
July: The month where the most amazing girls are born. These girls are hot, sexy, and incredibly irresistible. Not only do they have an appealing body but they are intelligent as well. Every girl wants to be born in July.

7) Where you live now?
Massachusetts: A whole lot of chusetts

also: Most densely populated per square mile state in the northeast. Known for the Redsox, Patriots, bad drivers, highways with two different names (128 is I-95, for all you out-of-staters), Dunkin Donuts, wicked bad gramma, friggin cold winters, wicked hot summers, unpredictable weather, and people who hate the New York Yankees.


jenn said...

I would reply, but I can't as you will post this tomorrow and I'm still on today (friday night).

Laurie said...


Meghan said...

I so need to do this