Thursday, August 3, 2006

Fuckin' Argh!

Agravating day. Work started out fine, but at the end of the day I was going to stay late along with another girl, Crystal. The plan was to wipe out our work queue really fast and then start data entry, which we both need practice at. But the queue wouldn't go away. We kept getting more faxes and more faxes, and no matter how fast we worked, the queue just kept getting bigger. It was the queue that wouldn't die!!! Never did get to the data entry.

Came home to find I had no power! I think most of the town was out. I don't like quiet. I need something to hear, something to see. Just as I was starting to fret, the power came back up! Yay! Made a post on the WD. Responded to a BOQ, but just as I was on the last question, I lost power again. Fuck. Started to plan for a night with no power. Realized that the battery backup in my alarmclock has been dead for years. Called my local store, no answer. I presumed they were closed due to lack of power.

Hauled myself off to Walmart. Bought:

  • battery for alarm clock
  • battery-powered lantern
  • batteries for said lantern
  • snacks
  • 4 pack of Seagram's something-or-other
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince (doh!) on paperback!

Came home. Power back on.

But I'm still eating my snacks and drinking my Seagram's.


Eileen said...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on paperback!

Definitely essential powercut provisions!

jenn said...

Sounds like a not bad finish to your day!