Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kitty Update # 6: She's home!

Baby's home! We just picked her up. She ate very well at hospital today and has been feisty. So now she's home and getting used to things again. She's very, very thin and we need to encourage her to eat. She's on an antibiotic for a week, she will be on thyroid meds permanently, and I need to give her fluids subcutaneously, twice a day, for at least a few days, hopefully not too long. Her kidney levels were down even further today. As long as she is doing well, *knock wood* I will be bringing her back in two days to check her kidney levels, and then a re-check in 2-3 weeks. Jake and I are both so relieved and happy that she is back home.


Anonymous said...

Oh bless at her! I hope she recovers quickly and fully.

AngelaRae said...

Hurray! I'll keep sending furry vibes for improvement.

allison said...

Aww, look at the wee skinny thing. I am sure she is happy to be home again and I know you are!!