1:06 am, my bedroom
My boy's Easter Basket. I had to wait for him to get to sleep before I could sneak it out to the living room for him to find when he gets up.
9:30 am, living room
My first cup of coffee.
9:35 am, dining room
My latest quilt. It's still in a bunch of pieces, and I need it to be ready by next Friday, as it's going to be a gift. I need to get this done!
10:45 am, kitchen
The pot of potatoes I'm boiling for Easter dinner.
11:00 am, my son's room
My cat has been very sick. We thought we were going to lose her last week, but she's home now and getting better. One of her health problems right now is a kidney issue, so I need to give her fluids under her skin twice a day. Here's the bag of fluids.
11:00 am, my son's room
And here's the needle. Great fun, I'll tell you. (Not.)
11:20 am, kitchen
The potatoes, now draining and waiting to be mashed.
5:25 pm, my parents' dining room
My nephew's version of the shell game. I wonder why it didn't work out too well for him? ;)
5:30 pm, my parents' dining room
Time for coffee and dessert! This is my mom's cheesecake. It's not like a New York style cheesecake that I see everywhere else. It's made with riccota cheese, and it is SO delicious!
7:30 pm, my nephew's room
My nephew has a new Fraggle Rock poster. My nephew is a grown man. I love it.
8:00 pm, my parents' living room
My sister's family's dog, Sugar.
8:35 pm, my nephew's room
Ok, this was supposed to be a picture of my younger nephew. But my older nephew, on the left, decided to pop in for this lovely shot. Charming, huh? I love my family. We all laugh so hard when we all get together.
10:38 pm, my bedroom
"Come to bed, Mommy. And stop blinding me with that stupid flash."

9:30 am, living room

9:35 am, dining room

10:45 am, kitchen

11:00 am, my son's room

11:00 am, my son's room

11:20 am, kitchen

5:25 pm, my parents' dining room

5:30 pm, my parents' dining room

7:30 pm, my nephew's room

8:00 pm, my parents' living room

8:35 pm, my nephew's room

10:38 pm, my bedroom

How wonderful that you were able to spend the day with family. I hope your cat gets better soon.
I don't get the mug reference :(
Yay for more quilts! I should figure out how to make one, one day lol. I might have to pick your brain when I do! And yay for fun family get togethers!
I have this secret desire to quilt but I never have, I am just in love with the idea of it. I LOVE the fraggle rock poster and that cheesecake looks YUMMY!
Ahh, family. You know what they say: you can't pick 'em. (This also means you don't have to explain it when they do embarrassing things in the background of your photos.)
Get well soon to kitty!
Oh my god. I NEED THAT MUG. Where did you get it??!!
(Seriously. I think I busted a gut watching that movie. Seth Green is GOD.)
(P.S. I'm just catching up on the Kitty ER stories now. Forgive me for being a shitty friend.)
I hope your cat is doing better! Thanks for sharing your day with us. :)
Ohh, I don't know if I could use that needle on my cat. But then if needs must...
On a happier note, that cheesecake looks luskeeous. *schlurp*
I never thought I could use a needle on my cat, either, but it was the only thing keeping her from being able to come home, and I sure couldn't just leave her at the vet's all this time! Mom's got to do what mom's got to do.
Meghan, the mug is from: http://www.onehorseshy.com/cool/amish_rumspringa/. And you're not a shitty friend! As I recall, you have a husband, home, two babies, two dogs, and a business to take care of. I should think they all need to come before my blog posts.
Helen, it's a play on the "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" slogan (which itself is a tourism commercial for Las Vegas, I believe). Rumspringa is when an Amish youth takes a year away from their home and lives with the "English", before choosing to be baptized in the Amish church, or instead deciding to leave.
And thanks, everyone, about the cat and the quilt. I gave that quilt to my sister yesterday for her birthday, and I forgot to take pictures of it first! I hope I can get her to take some pics of it for me.
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