Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Double Irish Chain

Which one do we like better, guys? Thank you for your comments!






DropEdge said...

I have one of those brains that doesn't translate these kinds of pictures to reality, so my opinion shouldn't count for much. That said, I like numbers one and four the best.

AngelaRae said...

Number one or number 3.

Mindi Scott said...


Annika said...

Initially I like #1 and #4 best, but #3 has taken an unexpected lead.

Unknown said...

I like number 2 best. I think.

Amanda said...

In order of preference: 1, 3, 2, 4

allison said...

It may be that the red is too red, but I like the first one best. I suspect in another colour, I might have other opinions.

Now, I really have to take of the vintage quilt that I got from my mother on our last holiday. I believe there will be drooling involved.

Jenn said...

2, 4, 1, 3

I think.

Um. yeah.

That Girl said...

#1, hands down!