This is the quilt I talked about yesterday. I made it for The Boy's bed, when he had a wee toddler bed. When he moved to a regular sized bed, I reconstructed it to fit, but I never liked how that turned out. I took it apart when he stopped using it, knowing that 'someday' I would put it back to it's original state (well, with a better backing than originally). That day was today.

This is a simple quilt of two cotton fabrics arranged in 10" squares, for a total size of 50"x 70". The fabrics are a plain pale yellow, and a pale blue with pale yellow shooting stars. Unfortunately I didn't get a good close-up pic to show you that. Today I backed the quilt with a pale yellow flannel that matches the original yellow color pretty well, and bound it with more of the plain yellow cotton. I used a low loft poly batting and hand tied it with yellow embroidery thread.
This cold snap better end soon, or I think I will end up making 10 more quilts!
Man, I think I'd better start tying my quilts instead of quilting them, because it takes me an average of two years to finish one.
Ahem. If you happen to have any left-over quilts after the cold snap ends.....
Lovely quilt! I think I may have to learn how to quilt... little squares seem do-able. lol
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