Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Damn it, Tia.

I got a call from my friend Ericka this morning. She was very upset and crying. One of the other girls we worked with, Tia, was dead. She hung herself Monday night. Her mom found her body Tuesday morning. She was 23. She left a note and apparently was depressed about being laid off and not being able to find a job. (But I'm only hearing this third-hand so I'm sure there's more than that.) She was such a bubbly and (I thought) happy person. Always very sweet, always very nice. Whatever had her so upset Monday night, would have blown over. If only she could have made it through Monday night.

Damn it, Tia.


Mindi Scott said...

Aw, crap. I'm sorry. Laurie. It's very sad.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.

Eileen said...

I'm so sorry.

~Sheryl said...

That is very sad, I'm sorry Laurie.

Jess said...

Oh, god, that's horrible. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

[hug] for you and prayers for Tia's family.

Katy said...

Aw, what horrible news, I'm so sorry, Laurie. x

AngelaRae said...

That's so awful. I'm so sorry, Laurie.

CosmicAvatar said...

Oh, poor Tia. I'm so sorry.

Amanda said...


Anonymous said...

Shit. I'm sorry.