Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So angry, I want to cry

I am literally close to tears, because I am so angry.

The two women in my cube are being SO catty and mean and judgemental (and completely mistaken, I believe) about another woman in our cube. J has been in terrible pain for at least two weeks now, with a shoulder/back problem very similar to what I went through. She was out nearly all of last week* because of it. She's been to her doctor, been scheduled for an MRI, and went to a chiropractor the other day. She has two more appointments with nerve specialists booked. I really feel for her, because I know how much that continual pain sucks.

So today, T came in to the cube to report to L and me that J just filed a workman's comp. claim, she said she was ratted out to the HR lady and had no choice. L and T whispered together and decided that J is lying about being forced to open the claim: she really just wants to go out on disability instead of unemployment (like we all will be doing in June). "And she hasn't even been to a specialist!" So they basically think she's lying about how much pain she's in, and lying about her motives. I pointed out that went I went through my issue, the second that the HR lady heard that it was a work related injury, she HAD to open a claim. So what J said is completely consistant with that. J is very good friends with the VP here, so of course the VP knew how much pain she was in, and apparently told the HR lady, and hence HR lady had to open the claim. But L and T think J is lying about it all.

I happen to believe J's version of the whole thing. She's been in a lot of pain, she's seeing doctors, she didn't want to open a workman's comp claim but has been forced to. She's said that she has no intention of going out on disability. I'll bet L & T don't believe that, either. And they're just so catty and vicious about it.

I am so disappointed that people automatically think the worst of other people, quickly jump to conclusions, and assume that others are scheming and lying. I hate that. I am surrounded by it so much. I sometimes feel I am the only one who sees things differently. They talk about her like (and say straight out that) she's a scheming bitch. And I think she's the sweetest, kindest, lady.

(*side note: J was out last Monday and Tuesday from work. She came in Wednesday morning but ended up leaving and was out the rest of the week. To me, it was clear that she hated being out and tried to come in Wed because she wanted to be here, but realized she was still in too much pain and had to go home. In T & L's eyes, she made her brief appearance on Wed in a calculating move because if you are out for more than "x" many days, you need a doctor's note to come back.)

Now, I used to argue when I would hear these ladies saying these kinds of things. I'd try to point out how I saw the whole issue. But they always think I'm just naive and it does not change their minds. So this time I didn't argue with them. I just left the conversation and went back to my chair. Then I was so angry that I got up and went to the ladies' room. Then I went to sit at the window in the stairwell for a while. Now I'm back at my desk but I'm still so angry.

I hate people.


AngelaRae said...

Those two sound just awful. *hugs*

Jess said...

Seems to me that there is an undercurrent of envy because they are the scheming, manipulative type and wish they'd thought of some kind of scam first, but think they've been beaten to it. (Even if this isn't the case, it might make your life easier to giggle about them behind their backs and imagine them being thwarted scam artists ;) .)

Plus, why would they even care whether she's out on disability and trying to get a few more pennies out of a company that is, essentially, in the process of screwing her over? People with a cynical worldview like that just fuel their own neuroses, because they see everything through that filter.

I wrote way too much here, sorry.

Anonymous said...

These types of injuries can take a million times longer to heal when there's emotional stress involved.

Catty, mean, judgemental women. Not helping.

- tom

Meghan said...

I am so disappointed that people automatically think the worst of other people, quickly jump to conclusions, and assume that others are scheming and lying. I hate that. I am surrounded by it so much. I sometimes feel I am the only one who sees things differently.

Oh girl... you know I hear you on this one. That SUCKS for J, and T and L seriously need to get a life. Sorry you have to be around all the negativity.

Amanda said...

I hate people like that, too. I'm sorry you have to work with them.

CosmicAvatar said...

I'm sorry you have to work with those people. I wish I could say I don't know people like that either...

jenn said...

Well, my dear, I'd be right there with you in thinking that a work comp claim is not something that people tend to scheme on - it happens here or there, but this does not sound like anything other than a nice lady.

I'm sorry you have to deal with them for the next few weeks.
