Monday, October 15, 2007

Best. Commercial. Ever.

Sweet. Figured out what the problem was. All is good now.


Meghan said...

Too cute. And that guy... yum.

As for the video, I have no idea why it's not working with FF. Wish I could help.

Also... yes, yes please come visit. You know, now that we have a very comfy place for you to stay. :)

AngelaRae said...

Bwa-ha-ha! Yes. Fantastic commercial, thank you for sharing!

~Sheryl said...

...speaking of your new template (which is very snappy), where is your shrinking mouse link?? How can I support you with Jedi mind tricks if I can't see how you are doing???

Laurie said...

Oh, yeah. I guess I forgot. I'll do it now! :D

jenn said...

Okay, so do you all know this place looks really different?

Laurie said...

What do you mean? Looks the same to me...must be the pregnancy hormones.


jenn said...

Oh, the baby causes all sorts of problems like that...