Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's official

Between reading his blog on Myspace (he is a funny, funny guy--I love that!), seeing that picture of his cat kissing him on the lips, and now reading a couple interviews with him (plus, he's not hard to look at), I am now officially in love with Nathan Fillion.

Hmmm...too bad he doesn't have some kind of weekly tv show so that I can see him every week... Grr...argh!


allison said...

Does Jon know?

Mindi Scott said...

I put in a request to be NF's MySpace friend, but he hasn't approved me. :-(

AngelaRae said...

"Come. Sit. Adore me. Good cat."


Thank you so much for pointing this site out!

Mindi Scott said...

Oh, I've been approved! Now I don't feel like such a loser. :-)

Laurie said...

Min, how long were you waiting? He hadn't signed in in about a week. I don't think he was just ignoring you. ;)

Anonymous said...

Girl, you have Jon already. I get Nathan.


Mindi Scott said...

I think what happened was I put in the request, he signed in the next day, and then was offline for the next several days.

Naturally, I assumed he was avoiding MySpace because he didn't want to deal with me.

No, I'm kidding. Kidding!

Meghan said...

I'm right there with ya.

I met him at the Nuts for Mutts dog show a couple years ago. SO down to Earth.

CosmicAvatar said...

Hee. Get to see him if you can. He's even better-looking than on screen!