Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Goodbye, my Babyface

I had to put kitty-boy to sleep. It was cancer in his abdomen. And on one of his adrenal glands. And something with his intestine that I can't remember the name of but it means it was telescoping in on itself.

Scootch is the first cat that was really mine. I got him in December of 1989, when I was 21 and he was a mere 5 weeks old. I love him immensely and it's been heartbreaking to see him declining so much in this past year. He's been a very good kitty-boy. I will miss him tremendously.


Mindi Scott said...

I'm so sorry, Laurie. This post made me cry. I know how sad you are right now.


Eileen said...

I'm so sorry.

Jess said...

I'm so sorry. Goodbye, Scootch.

AngelaRae said...

Oh Laurie, I'm so, so sorry. *hugs*

Amanda said...

[hugs] It sounds like he had a long life and was well-loved. I'm sorry you had to lose him.

allison said...

I'm sorry, Laurie.

I know your Scootch is in Cat Heaven, right now.

Meghan said...

Oh Laurie. :(

I'm so sorry.

I know Scootch is chasing mice (um, not the nice ones, the evil kind) in the Happy Hunting Grounds as I type this.

Thank you for sharing those pictures. What a wonderful cat.

Many hugs to you, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Laurie, I'm so sorry.

jenn said...

I'm very sorry Laurie. I know how you feel. Many many hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry, Laurie. Poor Scootch.


CosmicAvatar said...

Ahh shit. I'm so sorry.


just me said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry. Lots of hugs and love sent your way. <3

Anonymous said...

Laurie I am SO SORRY!! It is so hard to lose a furry companion. I'm sure you gave him a great happy life.

Meghan said...

Just checking in to see how you're doing.
