my baby is TEN years old!
He's very smart, he has a WICKED sense of humor, he's caring and considerate.
He's the best thing since sliced bread.
He rocks the Casbah.
He's the BEST idea I ever had.
**All of you just having babies'll be suprised at how fast time can fly. Never forget to enjoy your baby while he/she's still a baby... and every age, every moment thereafter!
Awwwwww! He looks like he is thinking very happy thoughts in this photo. :-)
That was his hospital photo, at 1 day old.
He was already plotting to take over the world!
Oh, LOOK at him! I just melted all over.
Happy Birthday to the Boy!!!
I know he is just as adorable (in a totally 10 year old way) today!
Happy Birthday to the BOY!!
Happy Birthday to the Boy!
Happy 10th to the Boy!
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