So, as I had mentioned on the WD, I have been inferring lately that it's just-about-that-time to talk to my NINE year old boy about puberty.
Today I received the three books I ordered from Amazon. I figured books would be a good guide for me, as I, you know, never went through male puberty myself. I'm going to read each book myself first, before giving it to the boy. Tonight I've started with What's Happening To My Body?" (Thanks for the recommendation, bettie. I'd actually passed this one by when I was trolling Amazon, because the cover looked too corny. But now I think it's probably the best of the bunch, and I'm glad I got it.) I've just gotten through the introduction. Many chapters to follow. With pictures. And words. Like wet dream. And spontaneous erection. And ejaculation.
Is my nine-year-old tiny little baby really going to need to know this stuff?
It doesn't seem possible.
Oh jeez I hope the baby is a girl.
That icon just sums up the whole feeling of the post!
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