Sunday, December 13, 2009

12 of 12 - December

Wow, this time I made it through the full year of 12 of 12. :D Yay, me! Chad, I do hope you continue on with this; I enjoy it very much.

7:30 am, kitchen
Coffee, of course. This is my second cup. :D

9:10 am, backyard
My landlord. With a gas can and chainsaw. I don't know why.

9:12 am, my car
Frost on the windshield. Pretty!

9:45 am, my doctor's offices
I am FINALLY getting my swine-flu shot. (I have asthma, so the flu really messes me up.)

11:10 am, local nursery
Christmas tree hunting!

11:35 am, my car, parking lot of my building
We bagged one!

12:10 pm, living room
I had to remove the plastic netting right away, because the cat has pica and of course the first thing she tried to do was eat the netting. For 18+ years this cat has been trying to kill herself in one way or another. It's been a challenge to keep her alive!

1:25 pm, living room
My shiny new shirt!

1:30 pm, living room
One of my Christmas traditions is to listen to this CD while decorating the tree. :D

3:15 pm, living room
Our stockings are hung on the shelf, with care. We have no fireplace.

4:50 pm, living room
The finished tree.

10:55 pm, my bed
"Come to bed mommy. Now!"