I've been tagged by
Sheryl for a me-me. I don't think it's ever happened before. What's more is I was just thinking about blogging about my current reading. Although I can't remember exactly WHAT about it, right now.
1. One book you have read more than once:There are tons. I'm a huge repeat reader. But to name one: Jonathan Kellerman's
When the Bough Breaks.
2. One book you would want on a desert island:Issac Asimov's
The Complete Stories. See, that way, there'd be variety.
*nods*3. One book that made you laugh:Teresa Bloomingdale's
I Should Have Seen it Coming When the Rabbit Died.
4. One book that made you cry:The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold.
5. One book you wish you had written:When I worked at [insert name of multi-national electronics company here], I was compiling a list of "101 Things to do with a Digital Satellite System". Because they sure as shit weren't fit to watch TV from. I wish I'd continued the list. It would have made a great book.
6. One book you wish had never been written:I live in a cave. If it doesn't interest me, or if I don't think I'll enjoy it, then I haven't read it. So I have nothing with which to answer this.
7. One book you are currently reading:Just last night I finished with Harry Potter 5, and started up on Harry Potter 6 (The Half-Blood Prince). I've read them all before. 1-4 I think I've read at least 5 times. When 5 first came out, I'd borrowed my sister's hardcover. When I was re-reading 1-4 again this time, I apparently was rather excited to be getting to 5 again, and discovered I'd bought the paperback twice. If anyone wants a copy (now in used condition), please let me know. And just recently, during my black-out post, I mentioned how I'd found #6 in paperback during my excursion to Wal-Mart. And so now I'm reading it again. Yay! And if anyone would like #6 in hardcover, please let me know. It's only been read once.
But either book #7 or movie #5 had better come out soon. I don't know what I'm going to do once I've finished reading this one again.
8. One book you have been meaning to read:Asimov's
I Robot.
I've been meaning to read it anyway. But now I'm in the middle of an Alan Tudyk kick and just figured out (or remembered) that he's in the movie. So now I have to see it. And I should REALLY read it first. And to go off on a tangent, I just rented
A Knight's Tale, for the same reason. Loved it so much that I just had to buy a used copy off of Ebay. And
28 Days, too. (Though I've seen that, several times, before. I'm a huge movie repeater, too.)
9. One book that changed your life:My life's a blur. I really can't answer that.
10. Now tag five people:Hmmm.
Jess, and